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PROJECT N° 2023-1-ES02-KA220-YOU-000155891
The planet's shield. Taking the initiative to act for the environment (PLANSHIELD) aims to raise awareness about the worrying situation of single-use plastic and provide innovative educational tools for youth workers to work on this issue in their organizations. This project follows the strategy of the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) in several areas, such as quality youth education, climate action and responsible consumption and production.
There will be three main results developed for the main target group of the project - youth workers and their organizations.

  • a board game
  • a multimedia game which will be the adaptation of the board game
  • a guide for youth workers on the implementation of the developed tools

25 youth workers will be trained for the application of game-based learning and gamification methodologies to teach serious subjects in an entertaining way.

PlanShield newsletter 2