EcoMinds Project in the Press
EUPlay’s Multiplier Event in Ankara, Türkiye is conducted at Bağlıca Secondary School on November 22, 2023.
EU Play - Discovering European Union by playing! Click the news about our project on the web site of METU Technopark.
The Euroquiz application, developed within the framework of the LearnEU project, offers young people a fun game about the European Union and its founding values.
EU Play had the Kick off meeting in Karditsa, Greece
We proudly announce that our project e-Teach (Improvement of teaching techniques by eye tracking in technology enhanced classrooms) received "2021 EUROPEAN INNOVATIVE TEACHING AWARD"
The "My Parliament" game, which is being developed within the Explore Europe project, will offer young people the opportunity to experience the functioning of parliament.
THEE Theaching in Higher Education Effectively via Eyetracking project TPM was held in Brussels.
2nd Transnational Meeting of LearnEU was realized in Romania (May 27-29, 2022).
Teaching in Higher Education Effectively via Eyetracking” was held in University of Salerno, Italy on 13th May, 2022.
The mobility, which took place in Penalva do Castelo (Viseu), Portugal, from 4th to 8th April 2022, was on the whole productive and satisfying.
A newsletter containing the latest status of all intellectual outputs developed in the LearnEU project and the planning of multiplier events to be organized has been published.
23 Haziran 2021 tarihinde düzenlenen Yapay Zeka ve Eğitim Çalıştay'ına katılan Özgür Esen "Meraklı Abidin ile Kodlama" ürününün sunumunu yaptı.
The EU-funded e-Teach project, which aims teachers to use instructional technologies effectively, has been completed.
DamaSistem is a partner of Learn EU project.
MOOCs for Mobile Game Development Programme Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET - Development of Innovation - action n. 2018-1-TR01-KA202-059731
Explore Europe; is a project under the coordination of Youth Europe Service (Italy) and the partnership of DamaSistem (Turkey) and Predictor CSD Consulting (Romania) supported by ErasmusPlus. It will be executed for 26 months, starting from 01/12/2020 to ending 31/01/2023.
The smart story project uses toys for interacting with the animation. The aim of the smart toy is to provide mixed reality environment for young children to support several objectives mentioned in early childhood education curriculum.
LearnEU project was realized in the framework of the European programme “Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for adult education”. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı ve DamaSistem işbirliği ile hazırlanan dijital eğitim projesi 199 başvuru arasından 1.oldu.
The objective of the MenTalk project is to develop and offer a language learning curriculum, training material, dida
DamaSistem tarafından 2013 yılında kazanılan ihale kapsamında TÜBİTAK’a bağlı enstitüler için 28 adet çok dilli web sitesi geliştirilmiştir. İlgili web siteleri tek merkezden rol bazlı olarak yönetilip güncellenebilecek şekilde tasarlanıp geliştirilmiştir.
Türkçe’nin yabancı dil olarak öğretimi için, öğretmenlerin kendi materyallerini sesli ve görüntülü olarak hazırlayıp, öğrenci grupları ile paylaşmalarına olanak sağlayan on-line öğretim portalı Ankara Üniversitesi için geliştirilmektedir.
DamaSistem Kampüs Teknolojileri Günlerinde (30-31 Mayıs 2013)
CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 201229 November - 02 December 2012
Akıllı Eğitim Yönetim Sistemi ve Akıllı Öğrenme Nesneleri" isimli projemiz hakkında basında çıkan haberlere aşağıdaki linklerden ulaşabilirsiniz.
DamaSistem is in Campus Technologies on 14-15-16 May 2012
27 - 29 October 2011 DamaSistem Only-Soft 2011
27 October 2010 Adobe CS5 Mobile Solutions Title: Adobe CS5 Mobile solutionsDate and Time: October 27, 2010 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (GMT+2 Amman, Athens, Istanbul, Beirut, Cairo, Jerusalem)
CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 6 – 10 October 2010
Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetim Reformu Uygulamasının Devamına Destek Projesi
08.09.2010 Tarihli Beyaz Tv - Teknomarket Programı. Uzaktan eğitim konusu ile ilgili Özgür ESEN ile yapılan röportaj.
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